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Tech Support Fraud
Fraud Prevention

Tech Support Fraud


Take a minute to think about your computer habits –Do you save passwords in your web browser? Do you ever click on pop-ups or embedded links? If so, this could potentially give fraudsters all the information they need. Over the past few months, our Fraud Team at Border Bank has seen an uptick in tech support fraud, including: 

  • Pop-Ups: A pop-up on your computer telling you there’s a virus and to call a phone number for help. 
  • Phone Calls: You receive a phone call that says, “Your computer has a virus or malware, and we can fix it. Just log into this site…” 

These are just a few ways fraudsters can get access to your computer and if you have saved passwords in your computer browser, they now have access to other sites you tend to use, including online banking.

You can protect yourself by being aware and suspicious of anything that seems a bit out of the ordinary. Here are a few suggestions from the FBI’s Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) on how to protect yourself and what to do if you are a victim of fraud.

Suggestions for Protection:

  • Remember that legitimate customer, security, or tech support companies will not initiate unsolicited contact with individuals.
  • Be cautious of customer support numbers obtained via open source searching. Phone numbers listed in a “sponsored” results section are likely boosted because of Search Engine Advertising.
  • Recognize fraudulent attempts and cease all communication with the criminal.
  • Resist the pressure to act quickly. Criminals will urge the victim to act fast to protect their device. The criminals create a sense of urgency to produce fear and lure the victim into immediate action.
  • Do not give unknown, unverified persons remote access to devices or accounts.
  • Ensure all computer anti-virus, security, and malware protection is up to date. Some victims report their anti-virus software provided warnings prior to attempt.

If you are a Victim:

  • Individuals who receive a pop-up or locked screen, should shut down the device immediately. Ignore any pop-ups instructing to not power off or restart the computer. Victims who reported shutting down the device and waiting a short time to restart usually find the pop-up or screen lock has disappeared.
  • Do not re-contact fraudulent tech scam companies. Expect additional fraudulent calls as these companies often share their customer database information.
  • Should a criminal gain access to a device or an account, individuals should take precautions to protect their identity. Immediately contact financial institutions to place protection on accounts as well as change passwords and actively monitor accounts and personal information for suspicious activity.
  • For more information on Tech Support Fraud and how to file a complaint with IC3, click here.

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