Border State Bank Privacy Policy

About Avannis Customer Service Surveys

You may be contacted by a research firm called Avannis to take a survey about your experience with Border Bank. Read our FAQ below for additional information. We look forward to learning about your experience through your honest feedback!


Why is Border Bank conducting surveys?

Border Bank is committed to delivering an exceptional customer experience. There’s no better way for us to know how well we’re serving you than to ask you for your feedback. We have partnered with a professional research firm called Avannis to help us learn about your experiences.

Who is Avannis?

Avannis is a professional research firm that specializes in financial institutions who we have partnered with to collect your feedback. You can visit their website here.

How often will Avannis reach out to me?

You may be offered the opportunity to complete a survey every 60 days, however, once you complete one, Avannis will not contact you again until at least six months has passed.

How will Avannis reach out to me?

Avannis may contact you via email or phone.

How long will the survey take to complete?

Each email survey should take between 2-3 minutes to complete. Each phone survey should take between 3-5 minutes to complete.

How can I opt-out of survey invitations?

While we hope you will share your experience with us, we understand if you would prefer to opt out. You can do so at any time by calling Customer Support at 701-499-0975, M-F 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Saturday, 8 a.m. to noon, or by unsubscribing within the email invitation.

What are they going to ask me?

You may be asked a series of questions about any one of the following experiences: (1) a recent branch transaction, (2) a recent customer support phone call, (3) a recent online/mobile banking transaction, (4) a new account sign up, (5) a recently closed account, (6) a recent loan application, or (7) your overall relationship with Border Bank. For example, questions may be about the team member you interacted with, the experience you had, or the reason for your visit. 

Are my responses confidential?

Your identity will only be available to our management team to ensure that we are able to follow up when necessary. You will also be given the option to request a follow up from conversation from a team member at the close of each survey.

Will Avannis have my personal or account information?

No, and Avannis will never ask you questions about your account details or personal information. Border Bank does not share any personal or account information with Avannis, as outlined in our privacy policy. To view our privacy policy, you may visit our website here.

    If you have questions about the surveys, visit with your local branch, call Customer Support at 701-499-0975, M-F 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., or email us at for more information.


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